This is a time for all people to come together in sincere spiritual maturity to emphasize the importance of our greater unity upon our sacred planet. This includes a deeper evaluation of our roles and a propelling into action the clarity of knowing the part we play as the spiritually awakening in this current time of acceleration in the cycles of change.
Many are being prompted by inner soul guidance to urgently focus upon their individual preparation by meditating and finding groups to unite with in sacred activity and by seeking information which will satisfy the inner knowing that great changes are at hand. Our entire phyisical, mental and spiritual make-up is receiving great divine attunement in order to appropriately respond to what lies ahead; Earth as well as humanity's transition to higher frequency.
The earth's expression of this kundalini awakening within her body is showing itself in explosive volcanic activity, land movements in the form of earthquakes and floods. These changes are as a result of cosmic and planetary alignment and incoming streams of high frequency light.
In balancing all of this with our own personal metamorphosis, there is no choice but to be absolutely fearless and ready to leap into unknown space. So much is transmuting and transforming on a cosmic level, all including earth are experiencing the karmic reality of the human races' affect upon the planet.
It is time to make changes from an illumined and grounded center of being. Vibration is the key, vibration and the alchemy of love. A human feeling love raises frequency/ vibration to its' highest levels.
Here is the technique;
Using the alchemy of love, embrace everything that each moment presents, love everything and everyone life brings across your path. Let love be the answer to every challenge that you face.
In every moment ask yourself, what would love do and proceed from there. To love someone who has hurt you affects everyone around you. In this way the inner debris is nuetralized, body rhythms are calmed and transformation happens.
The human race is evolving into a new blueprint of unification. It is not a matter of ascension versus survival. All that is requuired is an open loving heart, and an intelligent discriminating mind in which to make the transition into total self mastery while overcoming all physical plane limitations.
Remain centered in the core of life. Maintain calm and peace in your every thought word and deed.
This is the time to keep ourselves completely focused upon unity consciousness in order to magnify our ability to manifest the new earth reality of oneness, here and now. We are the flames of God, together with the legions of light let us thrust our torch of victory into the heavens and shine our sacred fire love on the path to liberation as we illuminate the way for those to come.
May humanity come to know itself as one sacred light of Divine love.
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